Insights & Pitching to Family Offices
Insights & Pitching to Family Offices
Firsthand Insights & Pitching to Arabian Family Offices
Session Details
When it comes to seeking investment, Family Offices are becoming a fast and popular go to investor type. However, they still remain misunderstood, and even more find it difficult getting in touch with them let alone obtaining investment - this is especially true for Family Offices in the GCC region. In this session we therefore cover: - What are Family Offices - Why are they important - What does the Family Office landscape look like, especially in the GCC - The different types of Family Offices - The difference between Established/Thriving/Establishing/Forming Families - How are they structured and governed - What makes them different to VCs and other investors - How do you find them/approach/speak to them - How do you build/maintain relationships/understand them in the room - How to pitch/raise investment from them - Who exactly do you need to approach and build a relationship with (CIO, associate etc) - The typical investment process for a Family Office - What is the mindset of a Family Office - other than profit, what are they thinking/looking for in an investment & what timescale horizon do they have The session will be hosted by experts who have direct experience in advising Family Offices in the GCC region, and therefore key insights, stories and practical advice will be provided ensuring the session will be rich in content. ---- How it works: 1. Book your place for the 2 hour on-demand live session 2. Turn up at the appointed time of the session 3. In the live session there will be a presentation providing insights, knowledge and information on Family Offices, followed by a Q&A segment at the end